Monday, July 22, 2013

Choosing Suffering

Sometimes the mind sees
the direct path out
but the heart prefers
to remain and wallow
in pig shit.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Shamor v'Zachor

Candles without matches -say a bracha anyway
Ner shel Shabbat is never extinguished.
No wine to say blessing over -say kiddush anyway
No need to posses it to know it's taste.
No challah to break -say ha motzi anyway
Bread will come, bread will go, both coming and going are eternal.
Shabbat does not require food and song to be holy and no-thing can be made holy. 
No-thing already is.
As long as the people remember and observe -Shamor v'zachor
and nothing else
Shabbos has exactly all it needs.

Friday, July 19, 2013

A Phish Inspired, Mindful Shabbat Haiku

awaken to sound
echoes bouncing in the room
hear The One Who Spoke

-Shabbat Shal-Om All!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Meditation on the Absence of G-d

Even in the void of absence
G-d never leaves.
Where could G-d go?
It is we who forget where to find Ayn Sof/Ayn Od;
All places, all time, all things,
All spaces between.